On one of our recent visits to Thailand by chance we came across the documentary “Living with the Tiger”- an intimate and moving story created by Mike Thomas about children of 'Baan Gerda' – the orphanage set up in rural Thailand in order to nurse sick children back to health and give them a chance of a normal life.
It was a shocking revelation for us as we had never encountered this problem before. The children, infected by parents, left to die without support from relatives or community because of the ignorance and stigma surrounding AIDS – something that “the world would rather forget”.
It became a fine example of how much can be achieved by enthusiastic individuals like Karl Morsbach and his wife, the founders of Baan Gerda. We were so inspired, we decided to get involved ourselves. From Karl we got to know the situation in Thailand regarding HIV/AIDS affected children was not nearly as bad as in neighbouring Myanmar. He introduced us to his counterpart Sister Martha who has an ongoing daily battle against ignorance and lack of funds keeping alive orphans she is caring for.
We visited her in April 2013 and discovered her desperate need of help – and that’s how the charity came to be.
Barry Smith